Esthesia Words: gargalanesthesia to oxyesthesia
Part 4 of 5.
Words that include: aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic,
-esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically,
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception).

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esthesia words.
gargalanesthesia, gargalanaesthesia, gargalanesthetic:
The absence of the sense of tickling.
gargalesthesia, gargalaesthesia, gargalaesthetic:
That area of feeling that perceives tickling sensations.
Having a sensitive stomach.
geoesthesia, geoaesthesia:
In botany, the capacity of a plant to perceive and respond to gravity.
glossaesthesia, glossesthesia:
Sensations of the tongue.
The inability to recognize letters that are traced one at a time on the palm of the hand while the subjects eyes are closed.
The sense by which figures or numbers are recognized when written on the skin with a dull-pointed object.
gustatory hypoesthesia (hypogeusia):
Diminished acuity (sharpness) of taste perceptions.
The loss of sensation in one side of the body; insensibility to pain on one side of the body.
A feeling of well-being which is highly exaggerated.
An excessive sensitivity to cold.
hyperesthesia, hyperaesthesia; hyperesthetic, hyperaesthetic:
1. An increased acuteness (sharpness) of sensation; excessive sensitivity of one or more of the senses, especially of the skin; hyperalgesic.
2. An excessive sensitivity of a particular sense, especially that of smelling.
3. A heightened sensitivity to the environment.
An increased sharpness of the sense of vibration.
An increased sensitivity to light.
hypesthesia, hypesthetic (from hypo- + esthesia):
Imperfect power of sensation; dullness of the senses; diminished capacity for sensation. Also hypoesthesia.
A feeling of sleepiness; dulled sensibility; drowsiness.
A decreased sensitivity to cold.
hypoesthesia, hypoesthetic:
An abnormally low sensitivity to stimuli. Also hypesthesia.
A loss in taste perception.
Decreased sharpness of the sense of vibration.
An abnormally decreased sensitivity to heat or temperature perception
A decreased sensitivity to light.
Void of esthetic perception or taste.
kinaesthesia, kinesthesia, kinesthetics, kinesthesis:
1. The sense by which a person perceives or is aware of muscular motion, weight, position, etc.
2. The sensation of bodily position, presence, or movement resulting primarily from stimulation of sensory nerve endings in muscles, tendons, and joints. In addition to the static sense in the inner ear, this combination of senses yields information about the position of the limbs and body in space.
kinaesthetic, kinesthetic:
1. The sensation of position, movement, tension, etc. of parts of the body, perceived through nerve-end organs in muscles, tendons, and joints.
2. A system used to teach reading and spelling by means of the sensations perceived through movement and feeling; such as, following the written word with ones finger in sand, on a rough paper towel, or on sandpaper; resulting in an automatic muscular response when one actually writes the word with pen or pencil.
An instrument for testing kinesthesia.
kinesthetic hallucination:
False sensation of body movement, as with an amputated-phantom limb.
megalaesthete, megalesthete:
A giant sensory-nerve ending in Mollusca (such as oysters, snails, squids, and octopi), thought to be photosensitive.
A sensory-nerve ending in Mollusca that is thought to be tactile (for touching).
monoaesthesia, monesthesia, monesthetic:
Pertaining to or stimulating one sense; affecting a single sense or sensation.
monoanesthesia, monoanaesthesia:
Desensitizing one sense or sense sensation.
myesthesia, myoesthesia:
A sensory perception of muscular contraction; sensibility to impressions coming from the muscles.
noseresthesia, noseraesthesia:
A morbid, diseased, or perverted sensibility.
optesthesia, optaesthesia:
A sensibility to visual stimuli.
A sensitivity to odors.
osteoanesthesia, osteoanaesthesia:
The lack of sensitivity in the bones.
oxyesthesia, oxyaesthesia:
An abnormal acuteness (sharpness) of the senses; hyperesthesia.
There are five sections of
esthesia words and five self-scoring quizzes are available so you can see how many of these words you know:
Esthesia Quiz#1
Esthesia Quiz #2.
Esthesia Quiz #3.
Esthesia Quiz #4.
Esthesia Quiz #5.
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