Logo- Words: talk, speak; word: logomania to teralogism,
Part 2 of 2.
Words that include: logo-, log-, -logia, -logic, -logical, -logism, -logician, -logian, -logist, -logy ["-ology" is in a separate list] (Greek: talk, speak; speech; word)

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logo-, log- words.
Excessive talkativeness.
Someone who is crazy about words.
Disgust for certain words or a particular word.
Great loquacity. Considered obsolete because an abnormal mental state that is characterized only by great loquacity is difficult to diagnose as the only symptom of a psychiatric symptom.
Neurosis associated with a speech defect.
The science of language or words.
logopaedia, logopaedics, logopedia, logopedics:
Study of speech disorders.
Any speech defect associated with damage to the central nervous system.
logophag, autologophag:
One who eats his or her own words.
A form of aphasia, characterized by loss of the ability to use articulate language correctly.
One who loves words or who has a special fondness for words.
A special fondness for words.
A strong aversion to words or specific words.
Preoccupation with thoughts about a particular word.
Any paralysis of the speech organs.
1. Excessive talkativeness, especially when the words are uncontrolled or incoherent, as is seen in certain psychiatric illnesses.
2. It is characteristic of manic episodes and is found in schizophrenia among other disorders.
3. Logorrhea is sometimes used as anequivalent to tachylogia, although the latter suggests abnormal rapidity of speech rather than an excessive amount.
1. Jesus Christ as Divine Wisdom, so named in the Gospel according to John, The Evangelist (New Testament Bible), as the Word of God, the personification of the wisdom of God and divine wisdom as the means for human salvation.
2. In Judaism, the divine wisdom of the Word of God.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was
not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.
—(John 1:1-4; The New Testament of the Bible)
Explosive speech; stuttering. Sometimes used as an equivalent of logoclonia.
A type of psychotherapy based on a system of spiritual values rather than on a system of psychobiologic laws. Emphases is placed on the subjects creative, experiential, and attitudinal values and encourages the incorporation of social responsibility and constructive relationships into solutions. (Psychiatric Dictionary, 7th Ed., Robert Jean Campbell, M.D.; Oxford University Press, 1996).
A type that contains two or more letters cast as one piece.
A dull conversationalist, usually met at parties or other social gatherings.
1. Hatred of speaking or arguing. One patient with catatonic schizophrenia, for example, remained mute lest the world be destroyed through her speaking.
2. An aversion or hatred of talking or of mental activity.
monologophobia, monologophobe:
The fanatical concern that a writer has of using the same word more than once in three lines.
1. A recently coined word or phrase, or a recently extended meaning of an existing word or phrase.
2. The practice of coining new words or phrases, or of extending the meaning of existing words or phrases.
3. In medicine and psychiatry, a new word or phrase of the patients own making often seen in schizophrenia (e.g., headshoe to mean hat), or an existing word used in a new sense; in psychiatry, such usages may have meaning only to the patient or be indicative of his condition.
A person who coins or makes up new words.
palilogia, palilogy:
A morbid or obsessive repetition of something spoken.
paralogy, paralogia, paralogism:
1. False reasoning, involving self-deception.
2. Perverted logic or reasoning in speaking in which the idea that is next in the chain of thought is suppressed and replaced by another that is related to it.
philology, philologist:
1. The study of written records, especially literary texts, in order to determine their authenticity, meaning, etc.
2. Originally, the love of learning and literature; study; scholarship.
polylogy, polylogist, polylogia:
1. An excessive amount of talking.
2. Continuous and often incoherent speech.
Pathological lying in speech or writing.
1. An argument or form of reasoning in which two statements or premises are made and a logical conclusion drawn from them. Example: All mammals are warm-blooded (major premise); whales are mammals (minor premise); therefore, whales are warm-blooded (conclusion).
2. Reasoning from the general to the particular; deductive logic.
3. An instance of subtle, tricky, or specious reasoning.
An abnormal rapidity of speech. It is used loosely to include an excessive amount of talking, which is more properly termed lalorrhea, logodiarrhea, logorrhea, polylogia, or polyphrasia.
Meaningless words uttered by an insane or delirious patient.

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