Esthesia Words: palinesthesia to zonesthesia,
Part 5 of 5.
Words that include: aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic,
-esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically,
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception).

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esthesia words.
The rapid termination of the anesthetic state and the restoration to consciousness of a person under general anesthesia.
The loss of the sense of vibration; insensibility to the vibrations of a tuning fork.
pallesthesia, pallesthetic:
Sensibility to vibrations; the peculiar vibrating sensation felt when a quivering tuning-fork is placed against a subcutaneous bony prominence of the body. Also called bone sensibility and palmesthesia.
A diminished sensibility to vibrations.
panesthesia, panaesthesia, panesthetic, panaesthetic:
All or the total of sensations or perceptions of an individual at a given moment; the sum of the sensations experienced.
Any abnormality of the general sense of well-being.
paresthesia, paraesthesia, paresthetic, paraesthetic:
1. Sensations of prickliness, tingling, burning, crawling, etc. of the skin for no apparent cause; disordered or perverted sensation.
2. An unpleasant sensation caused by tactile (touching) stimuli.
photesthesia, photesthesis:
Sensitivity to light.
An abnormal sensation caused by exposure to light.
A sense or perception of pressure; the sense by which pressure stimuli are felt.
From Greek plessein, to strike plus aisthesis, sensation. Palpatory percussion (tapping) with the left middle finger pressed against the body and the right index finger percussing (tapping) in contact with the left finger.
polyaesthesia, polyesthesia:
A condition in which a single object seems to be felt in several different places.
polyaestheic, polyesthetic:
Pertaining to or affecting several senses or sensations.
postanaesthesia, postanesthesia, postanesthetic:
The period following anesthesia (anaesthesia).
postanaesthetic, postanesthetic:
A reference to the recovery period after a general or local anesthesia.
preanesthetic, preanesthetic:
Preliminary anesthesia; light anesthesia or narcosis induced by medication as a preliminary to administration of a general anesthetic.
pseudesthesia, pseudaesthesia, pseudaesthetic, pseudesthetic:
1. False or imaginary sensation, as in a limb that has been amputated.
2. A sensation that is felt without any external stimulus or a sensation which does not correspond to the stimulus that seems to cause it.
psychoaesthetics, psychoesthetics:
The study of the psychological aspects of aesthetic perception.
psychroesthesia, psychroaesthesia:
A feeling of cold in a part of the body which is in reality warm.
radiesthesia, radiaesthesia:
1. The detection of radiation by, or by means of, the body; a process believed by some to be responsible for the operation of dowsing rods, pendulums, and the like as means of locating buried substances, diagnosing illness, etc.
2. Detecting and diagnosing disease by the passing of hands over the body.
All of these forms of medicine acknowledge a higher level of intuition or etheric force that is thought to work through energy fields and magnetic patterns beyond explanation in terms of conventional physics.
rhinaesthesia, rhinesthesia:
The sense of smell (from Greek, rhis, rhin-, nose).
seismesthesia, seismaesthesia:
1. A sense of shaking or vibration.
2. Tactile perception of vibrations in a liquid or aerial medium.
somatesthesia, somatesthetic:
The sensation, or consciousness, of having a body; pertaining to or designating those sensations (such as, pressure, pain, or warmth) that can occur anywhere in the body.
An apparent sensation of a ball or globe that rises in the stomach area and progresses upward, finally being felt in the throat where it produces the feeling of strangulation; seen in hysteria.
Sensation from the viscera (usually the abdominal area).
The sense of balance controlled by the vestibular organ in the internal ear
Reduced tactile ability to identify the form, size, weight, and texture of objects.
synesthesia, synaesthesia, synesthetic, synaesthetic:
1. A sensation felt in one
part of the body when another
part is stimulated.
2. A psychological process in which one type of stimulus produces a secondary, subjective sensation, as when a specific color evokes a particular smell sensation or a sound arouses a sensation of touch, etc.
There is a longer explanation about synesthesia at this page.
synaesthesialgia, synesthesialgia:
1. A painful sensation giving rise to a subjective one of different character.
2. A condition in which a stimulus produces pain on the affected side but no sensation or even a pleasant one on the normal side of the body.
tactile hypoesthesia:
A reduced perception of touch.
telesthesia, telaesthesia, telesthetic, telaesthetic:
1. Perception at a distance; direct sensation or perception of objects or conditions independently of the recognized channels of the senses.
2. Extrasensory perception of distant objects, events, etc.
The inability to recognize or differentiate between hot and cold temperatures.
Feeling in the body which recognizes heat and cold sensations.
An instrument for measuring sensibility to heat.
thermoaesthesia, thermoesthesia:
The ability to recognize heat and cold; the sense of temperature.
Extreme sensitiveness to heat stimuli.
thermohypoesthesia, thermohypesthesia:
Diminished sensibility to heat stimuli.
thigmaesthesia, thigmesthesia:
Tactile sensibility; perception of touch.
The ability to localize a tactile sensation.
trichaesthesia, trichesthesia:
1. The sense by which one perceives when one of the hairs of the skin has been touched; hair sensibility.
2. The sensation of having hair touched.
A loss of sensibility or awareness of ones hair.
1. A sensation, or awareness, of the hair being touched.
2. The sense by which one perceives when a hair of the skin has been touched.
An electric apparatus for measuring hair sensibility, or the sensitiveness of the scalp by means of the hair.
uresiesthesia, uresiesthesis:
A strong feeling for the need to urinate; the normal impulse to pass urine.
unaesthetic, unesthetic:
Void or empty of esthetic perception or taste.
uresiaesthesia, uresiesthesia, uresiaesthesiastic, uresiesthesiastic:
The normal impulse to pass urine.
A subjective sensation that a portion of the body, particularly the trunk, is being constricted; as if there were a girdle pressing around the waist.
There are five sections of
esthesia words and five self-scoring quizzes are available so you can see how many of these words you know:
Esthesia Quiz#1
Esthesia Quiz #2.
Esthesia Quiz #3.
Esthesia Quiz #4.
Esthesia Quiz #5.
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