Theo Words: panentheism to theody,
Part 2 of 4
Words that include: theo-, the-, -theism, -theist, -theistic
(Greek: God, god, deity, divine).

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theo-, -theist words.
1. A philosophy founded on the notion that all things are in God.
2. A notion that God is all reality, but not all reality is God.
A person who believes that all things are in God.
The belief that God and the material world are one and the same thing and that God is present in everything.
2. The belief in and worship of all or many deities.
One who believes that God is present in everything or one who believes in many gods.
1. A temple dedicated to all deities.
2. All the deities (gods) of a particular religion considered collectively.
3. A monument or public building commemorating the dead heroes of a nation.
4. A group of people who are the most famous or respected in a particular field.
A circular temple in Rome that was completed in 27 B.C. and dedicated to all the deities but which has been used as a Christian church since A.D. 609.
philotheism, philotheistic:
The love of God.
One who loves God.
The attribution of physical form (animal, vegetable, or mineral) and attributes to a deity or deities. Examples of physitheism in action include an ancient Greek or Roman god that assumed the form of an animal or when God spoke to Moses from the burning bush.
polytheism, polytheistic:
Worshiping of or believing in many deities (gods).
The belief in more than one god, usually a belief in many gods.
psilanthropy, psilanthropism:
The belief that Jesus Christ was not divine but merely a man, although divinely inspired.
The doctrine of the absolute spirituality of God.
Of or pertaining to both God and man; partaking of both the human and the divine.
theanthropy, theanthropism, theanthropic:
The assigning of human characteristics to a god or gods.
2. The Christian doctrine that the human and the divine are united in Jesus Christ.
3. The doctrine of the union of the divine and human natures, or of the manifestation of God as man, in Christ.
A person who believes in theanthropism or that the divine can manifest itself in mortal form or that mortals can be divine.
A godlike person.
A system of belief concerning the God-man.
Rule by god, by a god, or by priests.
2. A community that is ruled by God, by a god, or by priests; mostly the rule of priests.
theism, theistic:
1. Belief that one God created and rules humans and the world, not necessarily accompanied by belief in divine revelation such as through the Bible.
2. Belief in the existence of a god or gods.
A person who believes in the existence of a god or gods.
A white powder derived from the cacao bean that has effects similar to caffeine and has been used as a diuretic and in treating cardiovascular disorders. [From modern Latin Theobroma, genus name of the cacao tree, literally food of the gods, from Greek broma, food].
theocentric, theocentrism, theocentricity:
With God, a god, or gods as the focal point; or having God as the central point of fact.
Anointed by God.
theocracy, theocratic:
1. A government made up of people (priests or other clergy) who claim to represent God.
2. A government by a god or by priests.
3. A community governed by a god or priests; usually by priests, according to some form of religious law.
A mingling with God. A sort of theocrasia went on between Christianity and Judaism and other competing cults.
1. A mingling of various deities or divine attributes into one personality.
2. A mixture of the worship of different deities.
1. One who favors a theocracy.
2. Usually a priest who is a member of a theocracy.
In the manner of a theocracy.
A person who frames or maintains a theodicy.
1. Argument in defense of Gods goodness despite the existence of evil or a defense of Gods justice.
2. A vindication of the divine attributes, especially justice and holiness, in respect to the existence of evil; a writing, doctrine, or theory intended to justify the ways of God to men.
3. In theology, the study of Gods rule, especially over the soul.
A democracy under divine rule.
Taught by God.
Usually a feminine name that means the Gift of God.
Usually a masculine name that means the Gift of God.
A hymn in praise of God.

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