Esthesia Words: acanthesthesia to autaesthesy
Part 1 of 5.
Words that come from aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic,
-esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically,
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception).

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Sensation as if being stuck with sharp points, such as with pins or needles; experiencing pin pricks.
The perception (sensory) aspect of aphasia or dysphasia (any disturbance in the comprehension or expression of languages due to a brain lesion).
Absence of any feeling of physical existence; a common symptom in many psychiatric conditions.
A sensation of sharp points touching the skin but lacking the perception of pain usually associated with such stimulation; also acuesthesia.
Man is an intelligence in servitude to his organs.
-Aldous Huxley
acoustic hypoesthesia [hypoacusis]:
Partial loss of hearing.
Loss of sensation in the extremities [hands-fingers or feet-toes].
acrodysaesthesia, acrodysesthesia:
1. Dysesthesia (impairment of the senses) in the extremities, usually the hands and feet.
2. An abnormal and unpleasant sensation in the peripheral portions of the extremities.
1. Increased sensitiveness or abnormal sensitivity in the extremities; such as, in the hands, fingers, feet, toes, etc.
2. Pain in bodily extremities.
1. Disease marked by attacks of tingling in the outer parts of the body. .
2. Numbness, tingling, and/or other abnormal sensations of the extremities (for example, the fingers and toes); seen frequently in organic disorders, especially peripheral nerve lesions. There are times when the term refers only to those unpleasant sensations that occur without any demonstrable organic basis.
A sensory cell of primitive animals such as sponges.
aesthesia, esthesia:
The ability to feel sensations; perception.
aesthesic, esthesic:
A reference to the mental perception of sensations.
Producing or causing sensation.
An instrument for the purpose of determining the degree of tactile sensibility possessed by the patient.
The perception of the external world by the senses.
Of nerves that provide a path for sensory impulses; conveying sensations from the external organs to the brain or nerve center.
An olfactory receptor on the small antennae of some crustaceans; such as, Daphnia (water fleas, some species of which are commonly used as food for aquarium fish).
aesthete, esthete:
1. A person who is highly sensitive to art and beauty.
2. One who has an acute delight in the beauty of color, line, sound, and texture with a violent distaste for the ugly, shapeless, and discordant. 3. A person who artificially cultivates artistic sensitivity or makes a cult of art and beauty.
aesthetes, esthetes:
A reference to sense organs or the plural of esthete.
aesthetic, esthetic, aesthetical, esthetical, aesthetically:
1. A feeling for beauty. .
2. Sensitive to art and beauty. 3. Showing good taste. 4. Relating to the mental perception of the existence of any part of the body. 5. In neurology, of or relating to the mental perception of sensations.
A critic concerned with the theory of beauty and the fine arts.
1. The belief in beauty as the basic standard of value in human life, underlying all moral and other considerations. .
2. Great love for and sensitivity to beauty and the arts.
Im tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. Thats deep enough. What do you wantan adorable pancreas?
-Jean Kerr
To render aesthetic, or agreeable to a refined taste, to refine.
aesthetics, esthetics:
1. The study or philosophy of beauty. .
2. The study of what is considered beautiful, harmonious, and cultured.
The comparative anatomy of the organs of sensation.
The scientific study of the organs of sensation.
akinesia, acinesia:
1. A partial or total loss of muscle movement due to peripheral or central nervous system abnormalities.
2. In entomology, a temporary immobility of an insect caused by damage to or loss of sensory organs such as the antennae.
Loss of deep pressure sensibility or of position and joint perception.
Analgesia, or the loss of the sense of pain, when produced by the injection of local anesthetic agents or by the systematic use of drugs such as certain opiates, or as a result of some disease that interrupts the pain pathways in the central or peripheral nervous system.
algesthesia, algesthesis:
Pain sensation; the ability to perceive pain; algesia.
allachesthesia, allachaesthesia:
Perception of tactile (touch) sensation as being remote, or away, from the actual point the stimulus is applied or occurs.
A condition in which a sensation, such as of pain or touch, is experienced at a point remote from that at which the stimulus is applied or occurs, as in allochiria.
A reference to a tactile sensation at a point away from the point of stimulation; also allesthesia.
amyoesthesia, amyoesthesis:
The lack or loss of muscular sense.
anaesthesia, anesthesia:
A partial or total loss of the sense of pain, temperature, touch, etc.; that may be produced by disease or an anesthetic. Local anaesthesia affects a limited area of the body; as opposed to general anaesthesia, which impacts the whole body. Although the term is used for loss of tactile sensibility, or of any of the other senses, it is applied especially to the absence of pain, as it is induced to permit performance of surgery or other painful procedures; analgesia.
Insensible, deprived of sensibility. An anaesthetic agent is one that produces insensibility.
Egotism is an internally-generated anesthetic which enables a conceited person to live painlessly with himself.
anaesthetist, anesthetist:
A person trained to administer anesthetics.
The history of medicine is a story of amazing foolishness and amazing intelligence.
-Jerome Tarshis
anaesthetization, anesthetization:
The process of rendering insensible; subjection to the action of anaesthetics.
anaesthetize, anesthetize:
To give anesthetics to or to make a person, animal, area of the body, etc. unable to feel pain, touch, cold, etc.; to make insensible.
anesthekinesia, anesthecinesia:
The paralysis of motion accompanied by the loss of motor power or sensibility.
Nothing begins, and nothing ends,
That is not paid with moan;
For we are born in others pain,
And perish in our own.
-Francis Thompson
1. An instrument to regulate the amount of an anesthetic administered.
2. An instrument for taking the degree of insensitiveness.
Another version (U.S.) of anesthetist, or a physician who specializes in the administration of anesthetics during surgery, labor, and delivery, or other medical procedures.
Among some hospital workers, anesthesiologists are known as the dream team.
The science of the proper administration of anesthetics and their effects.
"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he (God) took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man."
-From the Bible, the book of Genesis 2:21-22
Another spelling version (U.S.) of anaesthetist, or a doctor who specializes in anesthesiology.
The active group of a molecule that confers the anesthetic or hypnotic effect.
In medicine, as in statecraft and propaganda,
words are sometimes the most powerful drugs we can use.
-Sara Murray Jordan, New York Times
Another spelling version (U.S.) of anaesthetize.
An apparatus for measuring and mixing anesthetic vapors and gases.
A spasm that comes with anesthesia.
Absence of the sense of vibration.
The loss of the ability to understand written language as a result of a cerebral lesion; also known as alexia.
Reduced sensitivity of the retina to light resulting from excessive exposure to rays of the sun.
The perception of movements in bodily joints.
auditory hypoesthesia [hypoacusis]:
The partial loss of hearing.
autaesthesy, autesthesy:
Self-consciousness (considered obsolete).
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