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The numbers that are shown in the parentheses indicate how
many of your word queries appear in each category.
- somni-, somno-, somn-, -somnia, -somniac (Latin: sleep; dream) (six matching results)
- ped-, -pedia (foot, feet) words: palmiped to velocipede, part 2 of 2 (six matching results)
- funi-, fun- (Latin: rope, cord) (three matching results)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: bacillophobia to brontephobia, part 4 of 13 (three matching results)
- grad-, -grade, -gred, -gree, -gress (Latin: walk, step, take steps, move around; walking or stepping) (three matching results)
- dys- words (bad, harsh, wrong; ill; hard to, difficult at; slow of; disordered; used as a prefix): acrodysesthesia to dysmentia, part 1 of 2 (two matching results)
- ambul-, ambulat-, -ambulate, -ambulating, -ambulation -ambulator, -ambulatory, -ambulant, -ambulic, -ambulism, -ambulist (Latin: walk, take steps, move around; from "to wander, to go astray") (two matching results)
- planta-, plant- (Latin: sole of the foot) (two matching results)
- grapho-, graph-, -graphy (to scratch; write, record, draw, describe) words: oceanographer to photobiography, part 8 of 11 (one matching result)
- luna, luni-, lun-, lunu- (Latin: moon, light, shine) (one matching result)
- oneiro-, oneir-, oniro-, onir-, -neir- (Greek: dream) (one matching result)
- malleo-, malle- (Latin: hammer) (one matching result)
- sauro-, -saurian (lizard, serpent) words: Dinosaurs Dachongosaurus to Eudkelosaurus [plus one pix], part 4 of 10 (one matching result)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: ablutophobia to agoraphobia, part 1 of 13 (one matching result)
- phobo-, -phobia (excessive fear; hatred for) words: agraphobia to anthropophobia, part 2 of 13 (one matching result)
- ophio-, ophi-, -ophid, ophidio-, -ophidia, -ophis (Greek: snake, serpent) (one matching result)
- mania-, -mania (mental disorder; excessive enthusiasm) words: ablutomania to dysmorphomania, part 1 of 4 (one matching result)
- antero- (Latin: before, in front of; fore, prior, preceding; used as a prefix) (one matching result)
- hypno-, hypn- (sleep) words: hypnomania to posthypnosis, part 2 of 2 (one matching result)
- phalango-, phalang- (Greek via Latin: bone between two joints of a finger or toe; line of battle; from phalanx, heavy infantry in close order [from Greek antiquity]) (one matching result)
- nocti-, noct-, nox (Latin: night) (one matching result)
- ped-, -pedia (foot, feet) words: aliped to octoped, part 1 of 2 (one matching result)
- -mancy, -mancer (Greek: divination, prophecy) words: dactyliomancy to gyromancy, part 4 of 9 (one matching result)