Theo Words: allotheism to ochlotheocracy,
Part 1 of 4
Words that include: theo-, the-, -theism, -theist, -theistic
(Greek: God, god, deity, divine).

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theo-, -theist words.
The worship of other or strange gods.
The belief that the gods originated from human beings and are essentially human in nature.
The belief that there is no God.
A person who is opposed to belief in the existence of God (or gods).
A reference to the opposition of God.
1. The transportation of a human being into a god.
2. The highest point of glory, power, or importance.
3. The best or most glorious example of something.
1. To elevate someone to the status of a god.
2. To glorify or exalt someone or something.
Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a God or gods.
Someone who does not believe in a God or gods or who deny the existence of God or gods.
atheistic, atheistical:
Relating to or characteristic of atheists or atheism; such as, being godless and impious.
Antagonism to theology; atheism.
Opposed to theology; atheistic.
Theology founded on the observation of heavenly or celestial bodies.
1. The doctrine of Gods self-subsistence. The ascription of this attribute to the Second Person of the Trinity, as being God of himself and not merely God of God.
2. Self-deification.
bithesim, dithesim:
1. Belief in two equal gods.
2. The belief that the world is ruled by two equal and opposing forces or gods, one good and one evil.
enthusiasm, enthusiastic:
1. Passionate interest in or eagerness to do something.
2. Something that arouses a consuming interest. [From Greek enthousiasmos, possession by (a) god, formed from enthous, inspired, literally with (a) god in; divine inspiration].
Someone who is very interested or involved in something, especially somebody with a particular hobby. [From Greek enthkousiaste, one inspired (by a god), from enthous].
The practice of investing all sorts of objects with supernatural powers.
1. The worship of one god, that is, as the special god of a social group or occupation, while acknowledging or believing in the existence of other gods.
2. A kind of polytheism in which one god of the pantheon is raised over the others. Coined by Friedrich Max Mueller (1823-1900), professor of comparative philology at Oxford, in his Lecture on the Origin and Growth of Religion (1878). It is also defined as, the worship of one of a group of gods, in contrast with monotheism, which teaches that only one god exists. A henotheist is an adherent of henotheism.
1. The belief that God and the material world are the same.
2. The doctrine that God and matter or the material universe are identical; material pantheism.
A person who believes that God and the material world are the same.
A hatred of God (or of gods).
monotheism, monotheistic:
The belief that there is only one God. This belief is found, for example, in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
One who believes that there is only one God and no other gods.
1. Worshiping of or believing in more than one deity (god), usually several deities.
2. Polytheism or the worship of several gods.
The rule of a mob or crowd of gods.

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