Mania Words, Quiz #1

Choose one answer for each number that correctly matches the definitions or statements in the questions. When you click on the Calculate your score button, you will receive a score and, if you choose any incorrect answers, you will also be told which questions have the wrong responses (including those that were left unanswered).

  1. dipsomania
    (a) an abnormal interest in furs or a compulsion to own fur
    (b) an intense enthusiasm to travel (c) an insatiable craving for alcohol; drunkenness (d) a preoccupation with cleanliness, washing, or bathing (e) an abnormal enthusiasm for cats
  2. amenomania
    (a) a mania characterized by cheerfulness, gaiety, etc.
    (b) a compulsion to be in vehicles (c) homicidal insanity (d) a compulsion to buy or spend excessively (e) a compulsion to be alone
  3. acronymania
    (a) a preoccupation with cleanliness, washing, or bathing
    (b) an extravagant passion for flowers (c) an excessive interest in bees (d) a chronic, incurable insanity (e) an intense desire to collect and possess books
  4. bruxomania
    (a) an impulse to jump from high places (b) a gnashing, grinding, gritting, and clenching of the teeth (c) an obsessive desire for snow
    (d) an obsessive desire for money (e) the impulse or compulsion to steal
  5. clinomania
    (a) a compulsion to climb cliffs (b) a craze for transferring pictures to all kinds of objects (c) an excessive or abnormal desire to stay in bed (d) an abnormal dread of deformity, especially in others (e) an intense enthusiasm for dogs
  6. dacnomania
    (a) an exaggerated desire for bicycling (b) an abnormal desire to be on the streets (c) an excessive desire to drink alcoholic beverages
    (d) an excessive desire for public places and a B dislike of being alone (e) an insane compulsion to kill
  7. agoramania
    (a) an obsessive desire to commit suicide (b) an abnormal desire or impulse to drown oneself (c) an hysterical craze for dancing; dancing disease (d) a pathologic craving for public places and not to be alone (e) an old term for a wild, ferocious mania
  8. chrematomania
    (a) an abnormal desire for money (b) an impulse to steal without any apparent need for the items stolen (c) a compulsion to be in crowded places around people (d) a morbid dread of being possessed by demons (e) a compulsion to give presents to people
  9. dromomania
    (a) an intense enthusiasm for dogs (b) an intense desire to travel or to roam (c) an abnormal desire for money (d) a gnashing, grinding, gritting, and clenching of the teeth (e) an obsessive desire to commit suicide
  10. dysmorphomania
    (a) a excessive desire to be alone (b) a gnashing, grinding, gritting, and clenching of the teeth (c) a compulsive desire for snow
    (d) a compulsion to climb cliffs (e) an abnormal dread of deformity especially in others

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