Mania Words, Quiz #3

Choose one answer for each number that correctly matches the definitions or statements in the questions. When you click on the Calculate your score button, you will receive a score and, if you choose any incorrect answers, you will also be told which questions have the wrong responses (including those that were left unanswered).

  1. An abnormal fear of being insane.
    (a) mythomania (b) monomania (c) misomania
    (d) megalomania (e) maniaphobia
  2. An abnormal or pathological tendency to lie or to exaggerate.
    (a) narcosomania (b) mythomania (c) necromania
    (d) nudomania (e) oinomania
  3. A madness which shows itself in just a few aspects or on a few subjects.
    (a) onomamania (b) ophidiomania (c) oligomania
    (d) oreximania (e) lexicomania
  4. An abnormal mental state characterized only by great loquacity or excessive talking.
    (a) lethomania (b) lycomania (c) macromania
    (d) logomonomania (e) megalomania
  5. An excessive desire for studying or collecting dictionaries.
    (a) lexicomania (b) medicomania (c) misomania
    (d) onomamania (e) ornithomania
  6. A form of insanity in which one talks excessively; over talkativeness.
    (a) lycomania (b) maniaphobia (c) noctimania (d) necromania (e) logomania
  7. An intense homesickness or an irresistible urge to return home.
    (a) nautomania (b) nostomania (c) lycomania
    (d) mesmeromania (e) musomania
  8. A morbid attraction to dead bodies.
    (a) nudomania (b) ochlomania (c) oenomania (d) necromania (e) noctimania
  9. An intense obsession with being in crowds.
    (a) ochlomania (b) oikomania (c) oligomania
    (d) onomatomania (e) onychotillomania
  10. A morbid desire for some particular food or sweets.
    (a) ornithomania (b) nepiomania (c) opsomania
    (d) lexicomania (e) necromania

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