Sensi Words: aftersensation to sensitization,
Part 1 of 2
senso-, sens-, sensi-, sensori-, sent- (Latin: feeling, sensation, perception through the senses, be aware, discern by the senses).
The words in this list refer either to physical or mental perceptions, or a combination of both. These elements come from Latin sentire, to feel, and the related element sensus, feeling, perception (in both the physical and mental senses).

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senso-, sensi- words.
Subjective persistence of sensation after a stimulus is taken away.
To agree or to concur.
Affecting two senses.
In law, existing by mutual consent, as a contract.
An agreement or a general opinion.
Consensus is an agreement or opinion which should be sound, but not all sound or a general agreement where all men have a perfect right to their opinions, provided they agree with ours; and its the result of a group discussion in which, singly, a person can do nothing, but together they can decide that nothing can be done.
To give permission, approval, or assent in opinion; to agree (to do something).
To make insensible, to deaden or anesthetize.
In medicine, to make (a person, animal, or tissue) nonreactive or nonallergic to a substance by removing the antibodies from sensitized cells.
A difference of opinion, a quarrel or dispute.
Dissension is said to be the difference between the man who knows it all and the other man who knows it all OR its an argumentative debate to which one can contribute either light or heat, but not both.
To differ in belief, feelings, or opinion about something.
1. One who dissents.
2. One who refuses to accept the authority, doctrine, or usages of an established church, especially a Protestant who dissents from the Church of England.
Dissenting, especially from the policies or sentiment of a majority; a dissenter.
Differing in opinion or feeling; disagreeing.
Given to dissension.
1. Beyond the normal function of the usual senses; additional sensory abilities.
2. Without the need for hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, or smelling.
It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all there is to perceive.
—C.W. Leadbeater
The loss of sensation on one side of the body. Also hemianesthesia.
Excessively or abnormally sensitive.
Abnormally acute sensitivity.
Above or beyond the scope of the senses; supersensual.
insensate, insensateness:
Lacking sensation or feeling; not feeling, or not capable of feeling; without sense or reason.
Lacking physical sensation or feeling; a lack of moral sensibility or emotion.
Lacking sensation or feeling; being indifferent about what's going on.
Deprived of the power of feeling, unconscious; unheeding, unmindful; incapable of feeling.
Lacking sensitivity to the feelings or circumstances of others; callous.
1. Anything which does not have sensations.
2. Without consciousness or sensation; inanimate.
Unable to feel; lifeless.
A system of lateral sense-organs in fishes or some other lateral line-sense system.
Sensitivity to light.
1. Pertaining to the conscious perception of sensory impulses.
2. Denoting an hallucination which by effort the mind is able to distinguish from reality.
3. Pertaining to experiences, such as imagined experiences, that do not originate in the sense organs.
resent, resentment:
Feeling or showing bitterness or indignation at (some act, remark, etc.) or toward (a person), from a sense of being injured or offended.
Full of deep hostility due to a real or imagined offense; acrimonious.
Indignation or ill-will felt as a result of a real or imagined offense.
Of, relating to, or combining sensory and motor functions.
sensation, sensational:
Receiving conscious sense impressions; such as to hear, see, touch, taste, and smell.
The five faculties which receive impressions through specific bodily organs and the nerves associated with them; such as, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling.
The faculties of sensation as providers of physical gratification and pleasure.
senseless, senselessness:
Unaware, unconsciousness.
Collectively, objects of qualities that can be apprehended by the senses; whatever may be sensed.
sensibility, sensibilities:
The capacity to respond intelligently and perceptively to intellectual and moral or aesthetic events or values; especially those which are considered of a higher level or refinement.
An instrument for measuring the degree of sensitiveness of anesthetic and hyperesthetic areas of the body.
Responsive to or feeling something very easily; very tender or raw; designating or dealing with highly secret or delicate government matters.
The capacity of an organism or sense organ to respond to stimulation; the quality or state of being hypersensitive.
The action or process of sensitizing.

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